Effective Technical Overviews Turn Skeptics into Customers

Effective technical overviews turn skeptics into customers.

Effective technical overviews turn skeptics into customers

The technical overview is a critical component of any developer-to-developer documentation suite. Regardless of whether the technology is a fundamental platform technology (such as a programming language) or a simple, incremental product (such as a plugin), the technical overview orients new developers who are just getting started with this technology. Further, a good technical overview helps everyone involved understand and justify decisions for moving forward with an evaluation or with an initial project.

One of our clients recently hired us to help with their developer documentation. One of the tasks for this project is writing a technical overview for software professionals that describes their system in simple terms, highlights differentiating features, and explains the benefits of those features and the overall design. Even though this technology isn’t new, and has been written about extensively, this crucial technical overview was missing. 

Our client hired us to help simplify their developer documentation to help accelerate the adoption of their product. They expect that our efforts can enable new programmers to ramp up more quickly, attain success sooner, and generally improve their market share and standing in a competitive marketplace. That journey begins with an effective technical overview. 

Customers start out as skeptics

Your system is always going to be unfamiliar and unproven to anyone who is just beginning to use it. To achieve success, your new developers must understand the system as soon as possible. To accomplish this, they need time to dedicate themselves to learning the system.  

The investigation of new technology requires that your readers take time away from their regular tasks and projects, so it’s important that your overview is clear and to the point, about 5 to 10 pages. You need a solid technical overview that explains the promised benefits, and a high-level software architecture overview that describes how those benefits are achieved. In addition to potential software developers, you must communicate clearly to software architects and engineering managers. 

For a big system, you might split this into two separate papers. But in any case, be brief. Remember that the target reader is busy, and doesn’t know much about your system, how it works, or why they should consider dedicating their valuable time to learn about it.

Skeptics won’t read fluff or spin

That is your target audience. They won’t read a long document and they won’t read marketing fluff. In fact, if there’s even a whiff of marketing, your technical reader won’t bother with it.

When written well, a technical overview can help convince a developer, their boss, or even their organization that the learning curve is worth the time and effort. It also helps that developer (or their boss) defend that decision from all the second guessers. 

If they’re open minded enough to consider a new technology, make it easy for them to “get it” with a brief, clear, technical overview.

And to make that content most effective, back up those differentiating claims with proof in the form of technical case studies with quotes from real customers. The stories should include enough technical details to explain how they’ve realized the promised benefits. Your customers have credibility with your prospects, and their stories provide proof that your technology delivers value. 

Effective technical overviews turn skeptics into customers. Does your software product or platform have a brief technical overview? If so, how well does it convince a skeptic to jump in? Do you have compelling customer case studies based on verifiable successes from named customers?

Of course, Expert Support can help with all of this. Many of our writers have been software developers, and they know what convinced them to learn various systems. Plus, they bring a new set of eyes and a fresh perspective to every engagement, and can help identify and reduce the confusion that prevents adoption.

If you need help with this or any other technical communication challenge, let’s talk. We’d love to hear about the challenges you’re facing, and explore how we might be able to help. 

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